Height and power

Very very little to show for my longish silence here. There was some good painting weather Saturday and I took advantage of it to paint… a ukulele stand. And I did yard work.

I know, I know. But I do have a couple of developments.

First, I realized I hadn’t yet registered for NYPower. I’d been holding off because I thought there was something else that might be going on that weekend, but it’s not. Anyway, I’m registered now.

Second, I took home some club property from last month’s meeting: The first aid kit, to be restocked (all that had ever been used was one or two insect sting relief pads, but the expiration dates were past on those and everything else that had expiration dates), and the altimeters. The latter were ones donated to us by the Museum of Science and Technology after they switched over to a different model for their Central New York Rocket Team Challenge. They’ve been available for people to use at club launches but not much use has been made of them. I checked the batteries, discarded the bad ones, and tested a few of the 13 altimeters and found them all working. At tonight’s club meeting we decided to hang onto about five of the altimeters and offer the rest to club members for $10 each. One member immediately bought six of them, and I bought two. 2016-05-02 22.57.14

They’re PerfectFlite Alt15K/WD, an older model. They beep the peak altitude, and if you have a serial interface you can download the flight profile.

I needed an altimeter for NARTREK Gold, and I’d budgeted $100 for electronics this year. Looks like I’ll come in under budget on that line. I don’t think I really need two but at $10 each, I figured I should.

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