Syracuse Rocket Club launch: Lean in

The forecast for today was showers and wind. The wind part was right. So was the showers part, eventually. It was maybe warmer than you have a right to expect in Syracuse in mid October, if you were out of the wind, but we weren’t. We didn’t expect a large turnout for the last club launch of the season, and we were right, though honestly I expected fewer people and many fewer rockets. Still, we didn’t even need all of the six, instead of the usual twelve, low power pads, and the one, instead of three, high power pad didn’t get used at all.

Anyway, yes, wind.
I was the launch director so I didn’t get many pictures and didn’t fly much. Only one rocket, flown twice: the Pumpnik. Flew once and one of our few attendees missed seeing it so I flew it again. C6-3 both times. And both about as nice flights as you can expect from a styrofoam spheroid with dowels stuck in it.

By about 1:30 even the most enthusiastic flyers were packing up, so we shut the range down. A few minutes teardown ended we got a rain shower. Perfect.


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