Building the Estes D-Region Tomahawk (part 3)

I am not exactly setting speed records here. But I’m okay with that.

This white tubing has wider spirals than the brown tubing Estes often uses. With the latter I often have just relied on the filler primer to fill the spirals, and sometimes that works less than perfectly but it’s usually okay. But with this tubing, I think depending on the primer is not the way to go. So over the weekend I opened up the secondary spirals with a hand pick, and then filled both spirals with CWF.IMG_3251 I sanded one tube Monday, I think, and finally got to the other one tonight. Then I glued on the molded plastic launch lugs.IMG_3252There’s a rather prominent gap in the CWF right in the middle of this photo, isn’t there? Well, I can fix that.

I’ve been having some trouble with the fin can: on one side the two halves seem to be glued securely enough, but on the other side I haven’t been able to get them to stick together. My capillary applicator has been giving me trouble. Tonight I tried a superfine Microbrush to re-attack that joint. We’ll see.


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