Syracuse Rocket Club launch: Once more without MLAS

I brought seven rockets to fly today at the club launch, plus two backups in case my contest rockets failed me. But I flew only five of them. Partly this was because I arrived later than I would have liked, and because I had only two of those rockets prepped with motors. Both of those…

The big one

Yesterday was the Syracuse Rocket Club’s Annual Family Rocket Launch, our biggest launch event with food provided, free launching, door prizes, and even a porta john. Friday evening some of us were there setting up the big tent, the pads, and some of the other infrastructure. Then yesterday I got there sometime before 9:00 and…

Building the Bad Cholesterol Block II

I’m about out of time. I’ve been doing some thinking and coming to the conclusion I’m not going to finish the electronics for TRDRM by Saturday, not unless it’s at the expense of something higher priority. So I’ve decided just to focus on getting it, and the Bad Cholesterol, ready for day launch. I can…

At long last launch

For the first time this year, the Syracuse Rocket Club held a launch. To recap the story so far: Over the winter and spring between our last launch of 2013 and our first scheduled launch of 2014 I built and finished (except the Yankee) seven new rockets: Bob Harrington cardstock mini Satellite Interceptor Fliskits Caution! SRC Rocket Launch…

NYPower 18, Day 1: Lug deep in the Big Muddy

Yesterday I got around to swing testing the Bad Cholesterol and the Bohica’s Dead Ringer. The BC I think is stable enough… I think. But not sure about flying it at a big out of town event. The Dead Ringer… um. Let’s just say it failed the swing test with a C or a B, and…

Finishing touches

The rockets I said were “ready” were not quite ready; some things like shock cords and egg padding needed some work. Which I’ve now done. The Yankee was basically ready in January, except that it needed a new streamer for the NARTREK Bronze duration attempt. I finished that up with a couple of reinforcements and a holefor…

The colors of spring

Good weather today… for mowing the lawn, and tying up the hops, and then painting. I masked the fins and roll pattern on the Bad Cholesterol using scotch tape backed up with blue tape and a grocery bag. Shot a little white (Rusto 2X) to seal edges.Then black (more 2X). While spraying I had the great…

Building a whatever (part whatever)

Looks like we get one painting day before it’s back to rain. Got a coat of white on the Bad Cholesterol. Also a 3rd primer coat on the Bohica’s Dead Ringer and a 2nd primer coat on the Mosquito and Mega Mosquito (except I somehow forgot to do the Mosquito’s nose cone. Alas.). The Bad…